Follow these instructions to add updated Niagara core files and Onyxx drivers to JENEsys ProBuilder™ 

N4.7.110.32 (Niagara Workbench) to install them on a JENEsys Edge 534 and connected Onyxx XM



Updating a JENEsys Edge 534 and connected Onyxx Extender Modules

requires (1) installing the latest files, and; (2) performing a separate action

to update firmware and more. The process is described in these




Estimated time: 3mns per JENEsys Edge 534, 3mns for each connected Onyxx Extender Module



❶ Arrange the files 

With ProBuilder closed, place the following files into:  


C: Users\[your username]\Niagara4.7\JENEsys[Workbench]\sw\inbox:

① Lynxspring-azul-zre-compact3-JENE-EG534.dist

② Lynxspring-linux.dist

③ nre-config-Lynxspring-JENE-EG534-N4.dist

④ nre-config-Lynxspring-JENE-EG534-N4-legacy-os.dist

⑤ nre-core-Lynxspring-linux-armhf-JENE-EG534-N4.dist 


the following files into:


① nre-clean-Lynxspring-edge534-n4.dist 

② nre-clean-Lynnspring-edge534-n4-legacy-os.dist

③ os-conversion-Lynxspring-edge534-n4.dist 


and the following files into: 

C:\JENEsys\JENEsys-ProBuilder-\modules, replacing any previously installed versions:

① onyxxDriver-rt.jar

② onyxxDriver-wb.jar

③ platOnyxx-rt.jar



❷ Commission the JENEsys Edge 534 

Commission the JENEsys Edge 534 using the Commissioning Wizard with at least the following


• Install/upgrade core software from distribution files, and;

• Upgrade All Out of Date [modules], adding

o onyxxDriver-rt.jar

o platOnyxx-rt.jar 

Firmware and other updates are applied via a hidden action on the Onyxx

Network (with onyxxDriver.jar. in a running Station. A Station is

needed. Leave an existing Station on the device, transfer one during this 


commissioning process, or transfer one later using Station Copier.                                                                      


❸ Unhide the ‘RunOnyxxUpdates’ action 

① Connect to a running Station on the target JENEsys Edge 534 with an enabled OnyxxNetwork.

② In the Driver Manager view, or in the Nav Tree, right-click on the OnyxxNetwork and select Views >

Slot Sheet

③ Unhide the 'update' action by:

• highlighting the RunOnyxxUpdates action, and;

• right-clicking, selecting Config Flags, and deselecting Hidden 



 Consider the following notes before continuing:

• interrupting the action may cause damage to the JENEsys

Edge 534 and connected Onyxx Extender Modules

• all outputs will be set to '0' and Niagara will be temporarily

unavailable to control your system 

❹ Update the JENEsys Edge 534 

In the Driver Manager view, or in the Nav Tree, right-click on the OnyxxNetwork, 

• select Actions > Run Onyxx Updates

 Monitor the progress of the update in ProBuilder at: [Target host] Platform > Application Director to

avoid interrupting the update. The process is complete when you see:

"------> All Onyxx Upgrade Processes Have Completed <------"