How to use the NDIO/NRIO Device Importer Tool: 

1. Load a station onto the Edge device.

2. Add an OnyxxNetwork from the Driver Manager view

3. Configure the OnyxxNetwork and Discover and add any XMs or other OnyxxDevices from the ‘N

Device Manager’ view. Points will be discovered and added later.

4. The default view of the OnyxxNetwork is the ‘N Device Manager’ view. Change the view to

‘Onyxx Converter Device Manager’ view. 


5. There are two buttons: ‘Discover’ and ‘Import Device’. Click the ‘Discover’ button to discover all

NDIO and NRIO devices in your station.

a. A list of the NDIO/NRIO devices by Name, Ord Handle, and the name of any Onyxx

Device already imported or added will be displayed.

6. Below you will see your list of Onyxx Devices which also has a property to display the Ord

Handles of any devices that have been imported.

7. Select only one NDIO/NRIO device and one Onyxx Device at a time. The ‘Import Device’ button

should now be enabled.

8. Clicking the ‘Import Device’ button will launch an Import job No other Import Job may run until 

this job is complete. Once complete, the points and components from the Point folder of the 

NDIO/NRIO device will be ported over to the OnyxxDevice’s Point folder.

a. This includes links. Note: Some old links may still be attached to the NDIO/NRIO points.

Be sure to remove the NDIO/NRIO device after you are satisfied with the import.

b. Note: Wiresheet should be similar in structure to the original NDIO/NRIO Point folder,

except for the imported points. These may need to be rearranged on the wiresheet.

9. The Import Job cannot be ran again on the same combination of NDIO/NRIO Device and Onyxx
