Eliminating multiple Host ID on a single Microsoft Windows© platform


It is a known issue that Microsoft Windows© updates could change the Niagara Host ID. Tridium introduced a fix for this issue in our most recent supported releases of Niagara.


Installing the most recent builds of Niagara will prevent the Host ID from changing.
These builds are-

  • Niagara 3.6.406 
  • Niagara 3.7.106 
  • Niagara 3.8 Update 2 (3.8.213 and later)
  • Niagara 4.3 (and later)

Updating older versions of Niagara

Tridium always recommends that Niagara installations are upgraded to the latest released software in order to maintain the latest security protection and to gain benefit from latest features.
Tridium has created patch files to stabilize the Host ID for cases where customers have not upgraded to the latest version of Niagara (see installation instructions below). Once these patches are applied to the older versions of Workbench the Host ID is stabilized and should not change if Windows updates are installed.


  • Enterprise Security 2.3.118 requires the patches be applied.
  • Patches are only supported for the latest update version for the relevant release.
  • Patches are not available for AX 3.5 and earlier, or Niagara 4.0 or 4.1.
  • Builds prior to AX 3.8.213 are considered unsupported. Customers applying these patches do so at their own risk.
  • Newer versions of Niagara (3.8U2 and 4.3) have introduced a stabilized method of managing the Host ID and do not require any patch.
  • The patches do not eliminate the issue of different Host IDs generated when installing 32 bit and 64 bit Niagara.

Installation Instructions

Download and unzip the attached Windows10 Multiple ID Patch.zip into a temporary folder.
This contains ‘nre.dll’ for various versions of Niagara AX and Niagara 4.2
Files are available for 32 and 64 bit version

in a directory structure version and sub-directory identifying 64-bit or 32-bit Windows. The 4.2 folder also contains ‘njre.dll’ which will need to be copied only for 4.2 installations. Follow these instructions:

  1. Verify the installed java version to be either 64 or 32 bit. Start a Niagara Command Line (<Niagara Home>/bin/console.exe) from the desktop of the platform to be patched.
  2. From the Niagara Command Line execute the command: nre -version One of the listed items will be java.vm.name. If the text contains “64-Bit” then the installation is 64 bit otherwise the installation is 32 bit.
  3. Stop any running station using Workbench’s Platform Application Director on the platform to be patched.
  4. Exit Workbench if running on the platform to be patched.
  5. From the Niagara Command Line (<Niagara Home>/bin/console.exe execute the command: plat uninstalldaemon
  6. Make a copy of the existing nre.dll located in <Niagara Home>/bin folder. If Niagara 4.2 is being updated also make a copy of njre.dll located in <Niagara Home>/bin folder.
  7. Copy the version appropriate and OS appropriate (64 or 32 bit) downloaded version of nre.dll file to the <Niagara Home>/bin folder. If Niagara 4.2 also copy njre.dll to <Niagara Home>/bin folder. Overwrite the existing file(s).
  8. From the Niagara Command Line (<Niagara Home>/bin/console.exe) execute: plat installdaemon
  9. Start Workbench.
  10. Open a platform connection to the patched platform.
  11. Using the Application Director , start the station.