The Niagara console can be stated from the same folder as the niagara install you are using
All commands are typed in the console. 
There are four types of console command
  1. Shell command
  2. nre,  Station command
  3. wb, Workbench Command
  4. plat, Platform Command

(path to start the console is according to the brand of software you are using, but will always be located in the bin file) 

Niagara AX Shell Commands

This command displays and changes the current directory. Type cd <directory name> to
change to a specific directory. Type cd to display the current directory.

This command turns debug tracing on and off. Type debug on to turn on debug. Type debug
off to turn off debug.

This command prints a message to the output stream. Type print <message> to print the
literal message to the console.

This command resets the environment to its default state. Type reset to set the environment
to its default state.

This command displays and modifies the environment variables.
• Type to set to display all the environment variables.
• Type set <prefix> to display all the environment variables that start with the specified
• Type to set <name>= to remove the “named” variable.
• Type to set <name>=<value> to set the “named” variable to the “value” specified.

This command resolves a filename in a path. Type to which <filename> to find the first occurrence
of the specified “filename”.

nre (station) commands
The station commands are used with the nre:

nre [options] <class> [args]*
The listed parameters and arguments are used with the nre command.

This is a class name or a module:classname to execute.

This is the name of one or more arguments to pass through to main.
The following options may be used with the nre command.

This option displays the nre version.

This option displays the modules that match the pattern defined by “x”.

This option displays the id for the system host.

This option displays a summary of the license information.

This option displays a list of the system properties.

This option allows you to set the default locale. For example, to set the default locale to US
English, type: -locale:en_US-@option
This option allows you to pass the specified option to the Java VM.

This option tests and displays the max heap size.

This option causes a rebuild of the registry.

wb (Workbench) commands
The wb command starts up an instance of AX Pro.
Use the following syntax with the wb command:

wb [options] <ord>
The following parameter may be used with the wb command.

This option specifies the ORD of the initial view that you want display when AX or N4
starts up. The options may be used with the wb command.

This option specifies the profile to assign when AX or N4 Pro starts up.

This option specifies the initial file to display when AX or N4 starts up.

This option sets the locale on startup.

This options allows you to pass the specified option to the Java VM.

plat (platform) commands
Syntax for the plat command:  plat <command> <flags> <command-flags>
The commands may be used with plat.

This command displays a configuration summary for a remote host.

This command gets one or more files from a remote host.

This command provides file details for a single file, or for all files in a directory.

This command displays the TCP/IP configuration for a remote host.

This command creates module files that can be run on embedded hosts.

This command lists stations that are managed by the platform daemon.

This command installs modules to a remote host.

This command requests that a remote platform daemon reboot its host.

This command runs one or more platform commands in a script.

This command requests that a platform daemon start a station.

This command requests that a platform daemon stop a station.

This command sends text to the console of a running station.

This command monitors the output of a station.

This command installs the platform service (Win32 only).

This command removes the platform service (Win32 only).

• installdialup
This command installs the dialup service (Win32 only).

This command removes the dialup service (Win32 only).
The following options may be used with the plat command.

plat -usage prints the help listing in the console
plat <command> -usage prints the command specific usage in the console

• plat -? prints the help listing in the console
• plat <command> -? prints the command specific usage in the console

• plat -help prints the help listing in the console
• plat <command> -help prints the command specific usage in the console

This option sets the default locale (en_US).

This option passes the option to the Java VM.

This option forces a rebuild of the registry.