Depending on the current version already installed in the Edge534, follow one of two sets of instructions
to add updated Niagara core files and Onyxx driver to JENEsys ProBuilder™
N AX3.8.111 (Niagara Workbench) to install them on a JENEsys Edge 534-AX (and connected Onyxx XM 34IOs):
Please Consider the following notes before proceeding:
Interrupting the action of the controller may cause damage to the EG534-AX and/or the XM34IOs connected to the EG534
While the upgrade process is activated, All outputs will be set to '0' and the Niagara station will be temporarily unavailable to control the system.
Appropriate care and action should be taken to prevent damage to the controlled equipment.
You must Determine which version of the Onyxx you already have to select the proper instruction
You must have a running OnyxxNetwork on the controller in order to determine the version.
How to determine the version of Onyxx
Open the station and go to the Onyxx Network
In the Property Sheet view of Onyxx Network > firmwareVersion
If firmware Version is
EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1.0.3, ---> follow instructions A;
LESS THAN 1.0.3 ---------------------------> follow instructions B
If Edge534 Onyxx Firmware is EQUAL TO OR GREATER THAN 1.0.3
Step 1:
With ProBuilder closed, place the following files into the proper folders
Copy the following :
- nre-config-Lynxspring-JENE-EG534.dist
- nre-core-Lynxspring-linux-arm.dist
To C:\JENEsys\JENEsys-ProBuilder-3.8.111\sw\inbox:
Copy the following :
- lyx-lsm5-edge-534-clean.dist
To C:\JENEsys\JENEsys-ProBuilder-3.8.111\cleanDist:
Copy the following :
- onyxxDriver.jar
To C:\JENEsys\JENEsys-ProBuilder-3.8.111\modules:
Step 2:
Launch ProBuilder 3.8.111 and install these files into the Edge534 by commissioning it via the Commissioning Wizard.
- Install/upgrade core software from distribution files
- Upgrade All Out of Date [modules]
If Edge534 Onyxx Firmware is LESS THAN 1.0.3
Estimated time: 12 minutes per EG534-AX; 8 minutes per connected XM34IO
Step 1:
With ProBuilder closed, place the following files into the proper folders
Copy the following :
- nre-config-Lynxspring-JENE-EG534.dist
- nre-core-Lynxspring-linux-arm.dist
To C:\JENEsys\JENEsys-ProBuilder-3.8.111\sw\inbox:
Copy the following :
- lyx-lsm5-edge-534-clean.dist
To C:\JENEsys\JENEsys-ProBuilder-3.8.111\cleanDist:
Copy the following :
- onyxxDriver.jar
To C:\JENEsys\JENEsys-ProBuilder-3.8.111\modules:
Step 2:
Launch ProBuilder 3.8.111 and install these files into the Edge534 by commissioning it via the Commissioning Wizard.
- Install/upgrade core software from distribution files
- Upgrade All Out of Date [modules]
Step 3:
The Firmware and other updates are applied via a hidden action in the Onyxx Network (with onyxxDriver.jar. in a running station.
For this reason, a station with the Onyxx Network running is required.
Connect to a running station on the target EG534-AX with an enabled OnyxxNetwork.
Step 4:
In the "Driver Manager" view, or in the "Nav Tree", right-click on the OnyxxNetwork, and select "Views" > 'Slot Sheet'
Step 5:
Unhide the Hidden Flag of the runOnyxxUpdates :
- right-click the 'RunOnyxxUpdates' action, then deselect the 'Hidden' flag
Step 6:
In the "Driver Manager" view, or in the Nav Tree, right-click on the OnyxxNetwork, select "Actions" then "Run Onyxx Updates"
This will start the background update in the Edge534
Since there will not be any activity of this update in the normal application director.
Step 7:
To monitor the progress of the update in ProBuilder
Go into the [Target host] Platform > Remote File system and open the lib folder
Open the updateLogs folder and double click on the update log
Since the output doesn't stream from the file, you must click on the refresh button or reload the file to view the progress
(see toolbar refresh tool ) Once the process is complete, you will see the following message at the end of the file :
"------> All Onyxx Upgrade Processes Have Completed <------"
Step 8:
Let the controller reboot and log back into the Station
In the Property Sheet view of Onyxx Network , verify that the new firmware Version is updated
Please Consider the following notes before proceeding:
Interrupting the action of the controller may cause damage to the EG534-AX and/or the XM34IOs connected to the EG534
While the upgrade process is activated, All outputs will be set to '0' and the Niagara station will be temporarily unavailable to control the system.
Appropriate care and action should be taken to prevent damage to the controlled equipment.