The following document explains the common license file information found in Supervisors and devices running Niagara AX

version="3.2" - Designates the highest release version of software which can be installed in the JACE. If a
newer version of software is installed, the JACE will fail on startup with a license version error.

vendor="Tridium" - This is always Tridium.

generated="2007-04-11" - The date which the license file was generated.

expiration="2008-03-31" - The expiration date of the license file. After the expiration date the Workbench
software will fail start due to a license expired error. Typically engineering copies of Workbench have expiration
dates which expire on an annual basis. License files for actual projects are issued with non-expiring licenses,
where this attribute value is "never".

hostId="Win-6827-91CB-C49A-6B4B" - Alpha numeric code which is generated upon installation of the
Workbench software on a Windows-based platform. QNX-based JACE controllers are assigned a hostId similar
to this hostId="Qnx-NPM2-0000-0E8F-2420". The hostId in the license file must match the hostId of the JACE
controller, ot herwise t he JACE cannot run a st at ion.

serialNumber="4856" - Applies to a license for a QNX-based JACE only. Designates its unique serial number
assigned from the factory. The serial number in the license file must match the serial number of the JACE.

The "about" feature is used to designate optional information, and does not affect station operation in any way. This
information can be useful for filtering records when searching the license database. Two attributes in this feature are
typically designated when ordering product:
<feature name="about" owner="Tridium" project="Tridium Testing"/>

  • owner
    owner="Tridium" - Optional field to designate the name of a person who is responsible for the project or possibly an end user.
  • project
    project="Tridium Testing" - Optional field to designate a project. This grouping should typically be assigned to all JACE controllers used for a particular project.

The NiCS provides a structure (or schema) that OEMs can use to define the various levels and types of Niagara
interoperability that their products will support. The NiCS definitions are contained in the this feature item which is checked
by a station or tool when it starts up. There are five attributes to the NiCS: BrandID, Station Compatability In, Station
Compatibility Out, Tool Compatibility In, and Tool Compatibility Out. These elements can be combined in a variety of ways to
achieve unlimited flexibility, and are described below.

<feature name="brand" brandId="Vykon""*" accept.station.out="*""*"

brandId="Lynxspring" - Every licensed station and tool has a Brand Identifier (BrandID). This field holds a text descriptor that the OEM chooses as the identifier for its product line. Each station or tool can have only one BrandID entry.

  •"*" - This field is a list of brands that this local station will allow NiagaraAX data to come in from.
    Simply stated from a JACE perspective, "this is the list of brands that I can accept data from". The "*" is a wildcard designation to allow all brands.
  • accept.station.out
    accept.station.out="*" - This field is a list of brands that this local station will allow NiagaraAX data to be shared with. Simply stated, "This is the list of brands that I can share data with".
  •"*" - This field is a list of brands that this station will allow to be connected to it for engineering of its application. Simply stated, "This is the list of brands that can engineer me".

  • accept.wb.out
    accept.wb.out="*" - This field is a list of brands that this tool is allowed to connect to and engineer. Simply stated, "This is the list of brands that I can engineer".

This features enables the local NiagaraAX Station to send email messages to a SMTP server. If the feature is not present
then the service and all its incoming and outgoing accounts are marked as fault. No email can be sent or received if not
<feature name="email" expiration="2008-03-31" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This element contains a digital signature which is created when the license file is generated. It prevents tampering with the
license file. Attempts to edit the license file to enable additional features will render the license file useless. Typically the
signature element is the last element contained in the license, so it is followed by the closing license tag as the last line in the
license file.

NOTE: All licenses for any JACE or AxSupervisor platform also require a "station" application feature, in order to run a local station. See the Applications section of this document for related details.

JACE Hardware Features

This feature determines the maximum size of the Java heap for either a JACE-2 or JACE-6 controller. In the abscense of the license feature, the maximum heap size is limited to 16 MB for a JACE-2, and 48 MB for a JACE-6. When the license feature is present, the maximum heap size is limited to 48 MB for a JACE-2 and 96 MB for a JACE-6. The feature may not be available on all JACE-2 controllers, earlier models were manufactured with 64 MB RAM chips. Verify the amount of physical memory in the JACE-2 before attempting to order the memory upgrade option.
<feature name="maxHeap" expiration="never" parts="NPM-128">

This feature determines how many of the available serial ports may be used for BACnet MS/TP communications. Note that features
bacnet and serial must also exist in the license file.
<feature name="mstp" expiration="2008-03-31" port.limit="1" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

  • port.limit
    port.limit="1" - This specifies the number of serial ports which may be used for MSTP communications. Typically this number matches the number of physical ports. Some JACE controller models have option card slots,if additional serial cards are added then the port limit may be less than the number of physical ports if the portactivation has not been ordered as well.

This feature enables the NDIO (Niagara Direct Input Output) driver, required to configure and use a JACE controller's I/O hardware. Not all JACE controllers support integrated or distributed I/O, refer to specific JACE controller datasheets to confirm whether this is an available option. Note that in the ndio features line (below), a "device" equates to an "Ndio Board", and that history and schedule limits have no practical application. See Driver_Feature_Attributes for related details.
<feature name="ndio" expiration="never" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none" schedule.limit="none"

This feature enables the use of JACE serial ports for various drivers, for example aapup or modbusAsync. Note that the JACE license needs this serial feature in addition to any specific driver feature. Only one serial feature line is needed, regardless of number of serial-based drivers.
Note that in the case of a JACE used for BACnet MS/TP, it would require this serial feature and driver features
bacnet and mstp.
<feature name="serial" expiration="2008-03-31" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

Driver Feature Attributes

Each driver is enabled by a feature line (element) in the license file. Most of the drivers utilize the same attributes within that
feature. For simplicity, these common attributes are discussed first, and then any unique attribute specific to a particular
driver or service will be bolded and discussed in that driver section.

<feature name="driver name" expiration="expiration date" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO">

NOTE: The various "limit type" attribute values can be either "none" or a numerical (limit) value, for example device.limit=32. Note that a limit value of none means unlimited, whereas a limit value of 0 means none allowed. Although most drivers include all the attributes shown in the feature line above, some attributes may not apply to a specific driver, with the exceptions of point.limit and device.limit attributes, which typically do apply to any driver.

For example, none of the Modbus-related drivers have any history or schedule import/export capabilility, due to the simplicity of the Modbus protocol. Therefore, "history.limit" and "schedule.limit" attributes have no importance in the feature line of those drivers.

Feature name of the driver, sometimes the same as the actual module (.jar file) name, e.g. bacnet, lonworks, etc.

Each driver has an expiration date which is typically the same as the expiration property of the license feature. In some cases such as beta testing agreements, individual drivers may be set to expire where the main license file is non-expiring.

This attribute designates a license limit on the number of devices which may be added to this specific driver network in the
station database. Above this limit, any added device component (and all its child components) will be in fault.
This limit has no impact on the actual physical limitation of a field bus. For example just because the lonworks feature is set
to device.limit="none", this does not mean that you can exceed the normal limit of 64 devices per segment.

This attribute limits the number of NiagaraAX histories that can be imported from remote histories (logs or trends) into the
station's history space, and/or exported from station histories to appear as histories in remote devices. Above this limit, any
added history import descriptor (or history export descriptor) will be in fault, and the associated import/export will not be

This attribute designates the maximum number of proxy points that may be added to the station database for a particular
driver. Above this limit, any added proxy point will be in fault.

This attribute limits the maximum number of NiagaraAX schedules that can be imported from remote schedules into the
station's database, and/or exported from station schedules to appear as schedules in remote devices. Above this limit, any
added schedule import descriptor (or schedule export descriptor) will be in fault, and the associated import/export will not be

This is an alpha numeric part code which is automatically assigned when generating the license file and is for Tridium internal


Each of the following drivers is enabled by a separate feature element, and has common Driver_Feature_Attributes as described above.

The feature enables the American Auto-Matrix Public Host Protocol (PHP) driver. The serial feature is also required.
<feature name="aaphp" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>


This feature enables the American Auto-Matrix Public Unitary Host (PUP) driver. The
serial feature is also required.
<feature name="aapup" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables functionality of the BACnet driver for BACnet/Ethernet and BACnet/IP. If a QNX-based JACE, other
features can be added to enable BACnet MS/TP communications over serial ports: mstp and serial. Detailed information is available in the
NiagaraAX BACnet Guide.

<feature name="bacnet" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" export="true" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

export="true" - When set to "true" this field enables BACnet server operation. When the field is set to "false"
only BACnet client operation is permitted.

This features provides additional functionality as a BACnet Supervisor as described in the BACnet Specification B-OWS
device profile, and is for PC platforms only (not JACE platforms). The bacnet feature is also required in the license. Detailed information is available in an appendix in the newest NiagaraAX BACnet Guide.
<feature name="bacnetws" expiration="2008-03-31" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the Dust Wireless Mesh driver. Detailed information is available in the NiagaraAX Dust User Guide.
<feature name="dust" expiration="never" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the File driver, which is used to import comma or tab delimited text files and convert them to Niagara
<feature name="fileDriver" expiration="never" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" parts="ENG-WORKSTATION"/>

This features enables the Lonworks driver. Utilizing the driver also requires a LON interface on the JACE controller. Some
JACE controller models require an optional Lonworks interface card to be installed. Detailed information is available in the
NiagaraAX Lonworks Guide.
<feature name="lonworks" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the Modbus Master Serial driver. The JACE controller operates as the Modbus Master device
communicating via an available serial port using either Modbus RTU or Modbus ASCII. The
serial feature is also required.
<feature name="modbusAsync" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the Modbus Slave Serial driver. The JACE controller operates as a Modbus Slave communicating via an
available serial port using either Modbus RTU or ASCII to a Modbus Master device. The
serial feature is also required.
<feature name="modbusSlave" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the Modbus Master TCP driver. The JACE controller operate as a Modbus Master device
communicat ing via Modbus TCP/ I P.
<feature name="modbusTcp" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="500"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the Modbus Slave TCP driver. The JACE controller operates as a Modbus Slave device communicating
via Modbus TCP/IP.
<feature name="modbusTcpSlave" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none"schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the oBIX driver. The driver supports the oBIX protocol, which is M2M (Machine-to-Machine)
communications via XML over TCP/IP.
<feature name="obixDriver" expiration="never" device.limit="none" export="t rue" hist ory. limit ="none" point . limit ="none"
schedule.limit="none" parts="ENG-WORKSTATION"/>
export="true" - When set to "true" this field enables oBIX server operation. When the field is set to "false"
only oBIX client operation is permitted.

This feature enables the OPC client driver, which is only available on Windows-based platforms because of the protocol's dependency of Windows.
<feature name="opc" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="500" schedule.limit="none"

This features enables communication via the Fox protocol to other NiagaraAX stations, and allows creation of a NiagaraNetwork, including proxy points, importing/exporting histories and schedules, and routing alarms.

<feature name="niagaraDriver" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none" schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the Relational Database Drive using the IBM DB2 database format. This driver allows exporting of histories from the NiagaraAX Station to an IBM DB2 database. The driver does not include the DB2 software, which must be purchased separately from a third party source.
<feature name="rdbDb2" expiration="never" parts="ENG-WORKSTATION"/>

This feature enables the Relational Database Driver using the Oracle database format. This driver allows exporting of histories from the NiagaraAX Station to an Oracle database. The driver does not include the Oracle software, which must be purchased separately from a third party source.
<feature name="rdbOracle" expiration="never" parts="ENG-WORKSTATION"/>

This feature enables The Relational Database Driver using the Microsoft SQL database format. This driver allows importing and exporting of histories to and from the NiagaraAX Station to and from a Microsoft SQL database. The driver does not include the Microsoft SQL software, which must be purchased sperately from a third party source. The driver does work with the MSDE version which is free from Microsoft; however, the normal Microsoft imposed limitations on the MSDE version still apply.
<feature name="rdbSqlServer" expiration="never" history.limit="10" historyImport="true" parts="ENG-WORKSTATION"/>

This feature enables the SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) driver, which allows sending and receiving SNMP
<feature name="snmp" expiration="2008-03-31" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="500"
schedule.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

This feature enables the X10 driver.
<feature name="x10" expiration="never" device.limit="none" history.limit="none" point.limit="none" schedule.limit="none"



Enables "secure socket layer" (ssl) operation.
<feature name="crypto" expiration="never" ssl="true" parts="ENG-WORKSTATIO>

This feature enables the Vykon Energy Suite application and the associated reports, data points and meters.
<feature name="eas" expiration="2008-03-31" allCostReports="true" allE2Reports="true" brand="vykon"
costMeter.limit="none" dataPoint.limit="none" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

  • allCostReports
    allCostReports="true" - When this field is set to “true" all Cost Profiler Reports are enabled. When set to "false" there will be additional feature items for each of the specific Cost Profiler Reports which are enabled.
  • allE2Reports
    allE2Reprots="true" - When this field is set to “true" all E2 Profiler Reports are enabled. When set to "false"there will be additional feature items for each of the specific E2 Profiler Reports which are enabled.
  • costMeter.limit
    costMeter.limit="none" - This field designates the number of Cost Profiler Meters which may be configuredin the VES Application.
  • dataPoint.limit
    dataPoint.limit="none" - This field designates the number of E2 Profiler Points which may be configured in the VES Application.
  • genericAppliance
    This feature enables the NiagaraAX Generic Appliance Application.
    <feature name="genericAppliance" expiration="never""" parts="GA-GENERIC"/>
  • provisioning
    This feature enables the operation of the Provisioning Service, which is used to automate routine maintenance of the system such as software upgrades, file distribution and backups. It applies to a PC platform only. Detailed information is available in the NiagaraAX Provisioning Guide.
    <feature name="provisioning" expiration="2008-03-31" parts="AX-DEMO"/>


This feature enables a station to be run, and is typically present in any JACE platform, as well as an AxSupervisor.
<feature name="station" expiration="2008-03-31" resource.limit="none" part s="AX-DEMO"/ >


resource.limit="none" - If the resource.limit flag is specified (in kRUs), then the station displays a warning on startup if the actual resource units exceed the limit resource units. If the limit is exceeded by 110% then the station will not boot at all. This limit is normally only specified on SoftJACE license files.

This feature enables the NiagaraAX Tenant Billing Application.
<feature name="tenantBilling" expiration="never" tenant.limit="none" parts="S-TBS-AX"/>

tenant . limit ="none" - This field designates t he maximum number of tenants which may be configured in the station database.

The web feature must be present to even open the web server on an IP port. If not licensed, the server is set to fault with appropriate faultCause. If the feature is enabled, then WebServlets and spy pages are always available.

Note: Full Workbench can connect to a station (via Fox connection) even if the web feature is disabled.
<feature name="web" expiration="2008-03-31" ui="true" ui.wb="true" ui.wb.admin="true" parts="AX-DEMO"/>

ui="true" - If the ui flag is false, then all access to ServletViews via "/ord" are disabled (with exception to spy pages).

ui.wb="true" - If the ui.wb flag is false, then all user accounts using an WbProfile are disabled (including thin client views, but with exception to spy pages). Only thin client accounts operate when ui.wb is false; other accounts do not automatically degrade. Views which aren't licensed return 403 Forbidden.


ui.wb.admin="true" - If the admin flag is false, then all views which have an admin flag set in their required permissions are unavailable using the wb applet.

The workbench feature must be present to even start the full version of Workbench (for example, a copy of Tridium's WorkPlace AX or an OEM-specific Workbench-based application). If the admin flag is false, then all views requiring admin access are unavailable. This feature is for PC platforms only, with the sole exception of a SoftJACE.
<feature name="workbench" expiration="2008-03-31" admin="true" parts="AX-DEMO"/>v

Legal Stuff
Information and specifications published here are current as of the date of publication of this document by tridium.
The latest product specifications can be found by contacting our corporate headquarters, Richmond, Virginia.
Products or features contained herein may be covered by one or more U.S. or foreign patents.
Tridium, Niagara and Vykon are registered trademarks of Tridium, Inc. All other brand and product names are trademarks of
their respective companies or organizations.